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6 Tips for Effective Crisis Management

Date Created: 17/07/2020
Ups and downs in the business world are the norm. And, as unfortunate as it may be, those downs draw more attention than the ups. Any kind of attention could potentially be handled and sometimes through a crisis management plan an event could be turned into an opportunity. 
We shouldn’t just plan for the best, but also for the worst. We need to keep in mind that bouncing back whenever adversity comes is the only way to make sure that things won’t go worse.
Misery, however, isn’t exactly what should come in mind whenever thinking of crisis management. Finding ways to deal with difficulties could be seen as something positive.
Ever noticed someone acting completely normally when something dreadful happens during a social situation? Well, to some extent, this is what we’re dealing with here.
In politics it is important not to act in panic but carefully and always with a well designed plan. Even if some actions are fundamentally wrong, there is always a way find a narrative that softens people’s thoughts. In multiple instances bad news could be turned into good ones.
This article is all about helping you find clarity and insight during a crisis. Read some high level instructions below.
1. Start preparing for a crisis before it actually happens
Imagine going hiking without hiking shoes. In a way this is what running a business without being prepared for a crisis is like.
Think of whatever your business deals with and imagine how risky some paths are to take and start preparing.
It is advised not to wait for difficulties to knock on the door rather build a protective wall that doesn’t let them in.
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2. Understand all different types of crises
By understanding what different types of crises are and by highlighting the importance of each, the picture will stop being blurry.
Not all problems require the same level of attention. There are minor difficulties but also serious ones. If minor difficulties are publicly exposed and treated with more attention than needed, public may start perceiving them as serious ones.
On the other hand, not responding at all to controversies is obviously wrong.
Be critical and choose wisely on what respond; evaluate the significance or the profoundness of the situation.
3. Train your workforce
 It’s needless to say that a CEO and a secretary have completely different roles in a company. However, crises don’t always occur from the top.
It’s natural for employees to make mistakes. Sometimes even a typo could cause a minor problem that later could potentially evolve into a major one.
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Hence, all of your workforce should be guided according to the rules surrounding crisis. Not only to prevent it, but also to know how to handle difficult situations.
4. Think before you act
 If you were talking on national TV, wouldn't you think twice about what comes out of your mouth?
Definitely, those of us not used to being publicly exposed would be more than weary and alert at such a situation.
The point is to measure every detail that helps you bounce back to normality. When follow up moves are wrong, they could initiate a domino effect.
Whenever situations heat up, keep in mind that staying calm helps. This isn’t the same with shying away or pretending everything is still ok, this is just trying to show that you’re still in control.
5. Choose one channel to deal with the press
The rise of social media has altered the way things function when it comes to communication. And it looks like most businesses have to adapt fast.
Over the last decade change has brought many advantages that help businesses grow.
When it comes to crisis though it’s easier to choose one channel to respond to any controversies.
Remember, this isn’t digital marketing, this is crisis management. Answering to multiple channels might result in inconsistent messaging.
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6. Try not to hide bad news
 The most favorable scenario is that mistakes aren't discovered. Burying bad news wouldn’t seem like a good idea, though, apart from it being unethical, as some would argue.
Try to keep a balance between showing that you care and understating a situation; this is rather the more comprehensive approach. Not hiding bad news isn’t the same with remaining calm to deal with them.
Today’s companies mostly treat crisis communications as an addition to other services, and not as a vital service which stands out.
Whatever the case may be, in OneTeam we know that crisis management should be custom-made to appropriately address specific business needs. Our job is to identify potential hot topics and be prepared to react to them by keeping in mind that not only our clients, but we as well are facing public challenges.
We believe in building and maintaining a good reputation.


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